Saturday 12 November 2011

new one... coming soon.....

hi guys... from 31 July 2011 I not posted anything  as i am  working on some new projects...n i will post about those things very

Sunday 31 July 2011

 Control Modules
ControlModule                   Description                                                       Type
101LSH-                 1 High Level Switch For Tank 101                                DI
101LSL-                  1 Low Level Switch For Tank 101                                DI
 201LSH-                 1 High Level Switch For Tank 201                                 DI
201LSL-                 1 Low Level Switch For Tank 201                                 DI
 301LSH-                1 High Level Switch For Tank 301                                  DI
 301LSL-                 1 Low Level Switch For Tank 301                                  DI
   101SOV-                 1Inlet Valve For Tank 101                                            DO
   201SOV-                  1Inlet Valve For Tank 201                                           DO
   301SOV-                 1Inlet Valve For Tank 301                                            DO
   101AV-                 1 Outlet Valve For Tank 101                                           DO
     201AV-                 1 Outlet Valve For Tank 201                                             DO
   301AV-                 1 Outlet Valve For Tank 301                                            DO
   401AV-                   1 Inlet Valve For Tank 401                                            DO
   401SOV-               1Outlet Valve Fine For Tank 401                                      DO
  401AV-                  2 Outlet Valve Coarse For Tank 401                                DO
   401M-                        1 Agitator DOPUMP Pump                                          DO
401LT-                    1 Level Transmitter For Tank 401                                 AI
401TT-            1 Temperature Transmitter For Tank401                                AI
  STEAM                    Control Valve                                                             AO

Wednesday 27 July 2011


 Batch Process : summary of hardware,already explained in earlier posts
The di erent hardware used in the Batch Process includes:
1. Tanks
2. Switches and Transmitters
3. Valves
4. DCS (DeltaV)
4.1.1 Tanks

All the tanks are made of stainless steel so to have corrosion free batch process.
The ingredient tanks have the following dimensions.
Overall Length - 950 mm
Diameter of tank- 550 mm
Capacity- 150 litres

The reactor tank has the following dimensions.
Overall Length - 1100 mm
Diameter of tank - 700 mm
Capacity - 350 litre

Batch reactor Instrumentation

Hi Friends,

 up to now i shared structure of batch reactor and instrumentation regarding bottle filling section of batch reactor using B n R PLC.I also shared cable laying for instruments which are required on batch reactor.i am sure you are now waiting for the batch reactor instruments for which we done cable laying.
Here are the instruments which are mounted on batch reactor.

1.Solenoid valves are used to control the inflow into the three ingredient tanks.
These are inch line size and have direct 24V DC electrical actuation. They have
been fi tted to the tanks with appropriate barrel nipple and reducer assembly. 
There are 3 solenoid valves which are mounted on the upper side of 3 tanks for ingredient inflow.
 I want to mention one important thing that cable for these valves comes directly from DCS panel,there is single JB connection for these cables in process lab unlike other Multicore cables.

In case of failure:first check actuating supply to the coil,in our case its 24 V d.c. if not then,follow these steps- 

 a.cable connections,check cable continuity.
 b.If cable continuity is OK,further check 24v dc from card, check also whether     channel is enable or not in DCS.
 c.If 24 v d.c is coming then may doubt on coil.

2.Angle valves with pneumatic actuators are used to control the ingredient 
inflow into the reactor assembly. The actuators are electrically actuated with 230V AC supply controlled through DCS via a relay mechanism. These valves are also 3/4 inch line size and are specially designed to achieve better flow rates.

Cable connections from DCS to B n R panel into TB4 and further it goes to angle valves through relay.24 v dc coming from DCS and through relay 110 v ac or 130 v ac going to the coil depending on its specification.So when coil actuates,it gets magnetized and air supply enter into actuator and valves open.

Troubleshooting procedure same as that explained in angle valve,just check the coil procedure.( whole B n R panel picture should be uploaded soon,so u can check where is TB4 location )

3.Fi ne and coarse valve assembly is tted at the outlet of the reactor tank for bottle lling purpose using appropriate barrel nipple and reducer assembly.Note that these both valves get 24 v dc from b n R panel which is explained earlier.

4.switches and transmitters are mounted on each tank to provide high and
low level alarms for each tank as well as continuous level indication and control for the reactor tank section.these are as follows :

Tank 101: Conductivity Type Level Switch (HL and LL)
Tank 201:Displacer Switch (HL), Magnetic Float Switch (LL)
Tank 301:Capacitive Level Switch (HL), Vibrating Fork Switch (LL),
              Ultrasonic Transmitter for continuous analog level reading.                         
Reactor   :Capacitive Level Transmitter for reactor level measurement

Thursday 7 July 2011

Batch process assembly

Hi Friends,
    Up to now, we made you familiar what we want to do with our lab batch reactor pilot plant.Still we are here mentioning some points regarding process and batch reactor assembly so that we can know how many and which instruments we are using.We know the systems used are Delta v and B & R PLC.So check it process and instruments we are using :

1.The system consists of 4 tanks, three of which contain ingredients A, B and C
   and has a maximum capacity of 150 liters each.
2.The mixing of the three ingredients takes place in the 4th tank which is the         reactor tank. The reactor tank has a capacity of 350 liters. Reactor is provided with an agitator which is actuated by a 3 phase motor.Agitator is for mixing the  ingredients.
3.The reactor tank is surrounded by a steam jacket around its periphery over a
height of 800mm.instruments are in next post

Friday 17 June 2011

Batch reactor-Temparature tansmitter loading

Hi guys,
     Our batch reactor in process lab has duplex type RTD.It placed at bottom side of reactor.Here is the problem reagrding same RTD and Transmitter while checking its loop From DCS to field.
 Problem is:
  •   Reactor temperature control module showing BAD device indication.It means either device is not connected or its not working
 While searching the root cause of problem we did following steps :
  • Started with RTD checking.Measured resistance between 3 Terminal RTD and found it is ok at room temparature.
  • Next we checked voltage comming from DCS to tansmitter.As it is duplex RTD we got 11.5 V and 13 V at both we decided to check the loop.
  • Firstly in process lab upper junction box we checked cable continuity and we found it ok.Cable tag number 25/Ax AI/41 n so from this we can esily found the same cable in DCS lab and for cross checking checked its continuity in JB.
  • We found 24 V coming from DCS by rmoving cable from field instrument but when we were connecting same cable to transmteer voltage drop had occured so the module is showing device is not connected or failure as 24V loop is not completed.
  • Now we are checking Transmitter ,so we can make conclusion why voltage drop occuring may be its because of transmitter load.
Just do the same steps when your checking loops in plant.These small things lead you good Instrumentation and control engineer.

take care........


Thursday 2 June 2011

Batch reactor

Hello....after a long break of our practical work because of  our exams n presentations we were unable to post the recent interesting happenings in our batch reactor pilot plant....
     Its not the meaning that we were not working on that..We worked on interesting concept of  looping .I am saying interesting as it was done previously by the pilot plant developers.After some days the inlet valves are not working.
     We found relay number 12 also not we traced whole loop and finally found one bug in card channel which itself not producing 24 v DC.Now we changed card number and channel number.Now as relay number 12 is working he Inlet valve center one is working now.

     Second problem i found when whole loop is ok but simple fuse in Marshalling cabinet is not working means just blown. we replaced it and checked ,the valve is working now.
      U might think its a just routine maintenance problem but in our opinion if we are able to find those problems and we solve it then it clears our ideas of field instrumentation specifically...I already posted diagram of this batch reactor so you can check which valves were not working(inlet valves).
  Relay card picture also posted in previous blog..
Thanks to all...